Flash update. Constant Care subscribers are fine.

Adobe is issuing an emergency update to cover vulnerabilities recently found in Flash. For those already subscribed to the Constant Care plan, I've already issued a command for it to do the update outside of schedule. Updating manually?  Do it here (uncheck the McAfee offer)
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Be wary of new domains

Many people might not know what "top level domains" (TLD) are but they'll recognize them.  It's the ".com" in a web address ... or the .ca, .co.uk, .de and so on.  The best known ones are the .com/.net/.org followed by the country-based codes.  But, in the last year, they've added a bunch more.  I've got…
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Sticking with Win7/8? Stop Win10 from downloading

It's come out that Microsoft has had Windows download Windows 10's installation files (at least 3GB).  For those who wish to stay with their existing version and may want to save unnecessary bandwidth use (and possible expense), there is a way to prevent Windows from making that assumption. Firstly, you'll need to download and install…
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AV can’t always protect you from yourself

If any of you are watching "Mr. Robot", they cover some good examples of social engineering.  Things like leaving an infected USB drive in an employee parking lot where it gets picked up and a curious employee plugs it into his work PC.  {BAM} Infected. Well, that's not so different from a website having a…
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