Are your browser plugins current?

Might have referenced this before but it keeps becoming relevant. I regularly get emails and phone calls about whether or not "Update your Flash" notifications are legitimate or not. While this link is from Mozilla (Firefox), it will work in whatever browser you use. If a plugin is /not/ up-to-date, this page will take you…
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PCs and second-hand smoke

You know all the commercials about how second-hand smoke are bad for people? Got these from a colleague online. Owners smoked at their computer for years. I've dealt with a few PCs like this over the years and they're next to impossible to get clean (and you don't want to pay for the per-hour that…
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XP migration special

New special!! From now until April 8 (the day XP dies), bring your old XP system and a new PC and I'll knock 25% off the service charge of a new PC setup+data migration. I'll do what I can to get the new machine as close as possible to your old one to minimize the…
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Download sites and “awards”

Next time you're thinking about downloading software and are swayed because it has won awards, remember this.... (Not gonna click? A fellow wrote a program called "AwardMeStars" that does nothing whatsoever and it won awards)
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