Chrome could change compromised passwords for you automatically

No posts for a long time. Stupid pandemic. But there's also not been a lot of news in the tech world that I thought the Average Joe would find interesting. Found one today though. I use Chrome most of the time and I'm always getting the warning that passwords on some site had been compromised.…
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Non-HTTPS Sites Labeled “Not Secure” by Chrome

Non-HTTPS Sites to be Labeled “Not Secure” by Chrome Here's the important part:  this only matters if it's a site where you'd enter any sort of a login or credit card information.  If "Joe's Blog" is not secure, there's no problem there because you're just there to read his pithy observations. Now, if you go…
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Chrome is really looking out for you now.

Fake download links on download pages are an easy way to accidentally install garbage software on your system.  I'm seeing more of this stuff than I am actually viruses and, unfortunately, because of shady tactics, it's usually "self-inflicted" in that the user installs it themselves. Chrome is taking steps to start blocking those with their…
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Chrome will be beefing up its security soon to stop unwanted software

Google is expanding the use of its Safe Browsing mechanism to warn users about a broader variety of unwanted software, in addition to the warnings they see regarding phishing pages, malware, and other threats. Safe Browsing is the service that Google uses to help protect Chrome users from malicious software and sites. The service defends…
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