If you saw a credit card swiper sitting out in the open, you probably wouldn't be crazy enough to just slide your card through it and "see what happens" on your bill. Right? By the same token, you shouldn't trust free charging stations -- there may be a device on the other end of the cable…
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Phone rebooting over and over again?
A reminder to all that your phone crashing might not be the fault of your phone but its memory card. Woke up at 5:30am to notice my phone's screen on and it being in a reboot loop. {sigh} At one point, I noticed "You have ejected your storage card." Popped open the back, ejected the…
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Microsoft Office now free on Android phones
If you need to edit documents on your Android device.... Office is now free. http://blogs.office.com/2015/01/29/office-love-now-android-tablet/
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