Today, the FBI becomes the enemy of every computer user and every IT security professional worldwide Hope you enjoyed your privacy while you had it because the FBI's been given authority to take it away from you, regardless of your location and silly things like, you know, jurisdiction. Today December 1, the United States FBI…
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Is that a scam email?
Yeah, probably. That's your short answer. But, if you want to get in the habit of being more confident about it, read on. Signs it's a scam: Bad grammar and poor spelling. Most of these are coming from overseas from non-native English speakers. "Click here to update your account info" - real emails know…
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Chrome is really looking out for you now.
Fake download links on download pages are an easy way to accidentally install garbage software on your system. I'm seeing more of this stuff than I am actually viruses and, unfortunately, because of shady tactics, it's usually "self-inflicted" in that the user installs it themselves. Chrome is taking steps to start blocking those with their…
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Installing a credit card skimmer takes much less time than I’d have guessed
The page I'm linking to includes a video where two scammers distract the checkout clerk and the third takes *maybe* one second to install a credit card skimmer on top of the existing transaction device. He then double checks it, taking another second or two. Incredible...and incredibly scary.
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